Horse: Jellybean - Unique V - July 6th, 2012
She arrived bang on time, Saturday night of the Jubilee Weekend, She started showing signs the day before so we had yet another sleepless night watching over her and nothing!, by 3am we new she was just kidding and there was no foal to be this night, then by 8pm the following night we had a foal just like that. A beautiful chestnut filly with 2 back white socks and white blaze. She was a bit wobbly but soon got to her feet and started feeding.
We had so many obvious names for her as she was born the Queens Jubilee but the children chose Miss Jubilee, to go along with Miss Rolo and Mr grey who we have on the yard.
Miss Jubilee dam is Unique out of a Voltaire and sire is Arcko 111, Nick Skelton’s ride.
It was a wonderful site to see her first expedition into the field at 2 weeks old (on that one sunny day we had)! It is the moment we all eagerly wait to see how she moves, and yes she floats.
Now we have the most loveable foal ever, she runs to you for love and kisses and gets so excited when the children arrive home from school to play, she is so cute.

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Horse: Brood Mares:, Jellybean - Unique V, Siamora - April 24th, 2012
Siamora is Lakeland Equestrian Stud Farm latest purchase from Holland
Siamora is a 3 year old from bloodline Cassini 1 and Julio V, she is a modern compact dark grey 16.1 hh.
The plan is to put her into foal this spring, then break her in and after workign with her will then turn her away to allow her foal to develo. We will bring her back into work after she has had her foal next year.
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Horse: Jellybean - Unique V - October 2nd, 2011

- Picture Perfect …

- come here and get your ears cleaned … Picture Perfect …
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Horse: Jellybean - Unique V - May 16th, 2011
At 3.45 am on Saturday 14th May 2011 we were very very pleased to announce the safe arrival of our beautiful, fantastic, strapping, young colt!
We’d been awake for approximately a week by then – checking on our mare every couple of hours throughout the night to no avail. However, saturday morning came and on the 3am check we knew we were in business – she was lying down something she has not done all week and panting! We decided to give her half an hour then go back and check on progress.
After 20 mins we had had enough of waiting and we went over to see her – she was back standing up and there was most definitely a foal on its way out!!
Within 5 minutes andwith a little helping hand we had a foal on the floor and a mother pleased to see him!

Within an hour he was trying to get up and rapidly changing colour! By daylight he was on his feet and searching for his first meal! He eventually found it and is now doing fantastically well and is utterly gorgeous!

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Horse: Jellybean - Unique V, Uncategorized - May 11th, 2011
I never thought this would happen but due date has passed. Now she really is massive her belly has dropped and she really looks ready to POP!
We’ve been up to check on her every couple of hours through the night since last Friday and are now starting to wonder whether a vindaloo will work in the same way for horses as it does in people!!
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Horse: Jellybean - Unique V - May 5th, 2011
Oh my, oh my we would have bet £1000’s on our jellybean popping her foal early because to say the least she is MASSIVE …

She is showing all the classic signs of being near the birthing process but no sign of little feet as of yet.
She is due on saturday and we are ready and waitng, there is a field of lush grass ready for mare and foal to sink their teeth into, she is bedded up like there is no tomorrow , our foaling box is stocked to brim and she is ready in her penthouse birthing suite!

'I hope someone is fitting this place out with gas and air!
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Horse: Jellybean - Unique V - April 1st, 2011
Times are so exciting Jellybean looks superb – in fact blossoming …
She is now 315 days pregnant and her baby looks huge (from the outside obviously) he is now the size of a, well actually still a german shepherd, but in 5 days time he will be the size of a proper foal and will be no longer classed as premature if born early – how fantastic!!
She’s not due till May 7th but we won’t be surprised if we have an early arrival. Preparations are underway to put her in her Penthouse birthing suite (foaling box- we are shipping Bob out of it!) and we are very very very very very very very very very very very very very very excited. (well i am anyway … !)
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Horse: Jellybean - Unique V - February 23rd, 2011
Jellybean is 253 days pregnant today and is looking very happy and healthy. She is definitely the sort of mummy who ‘blossoms'(and that doesn’t just mean is getting fat!)
She had her feet trimmed today by the farrier and is looking ready and set.
Jellybaby is currently the size of a lamb, measuring approximately 24 inches and weighing in at about 45 lbs. There’s no wonder she’s developed a bit of a waddle! The foal has hairs on its throat, chin and muzzle.
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Horse: Bob - B. Grandeur, Jellybean - Unique V - February 9th, 2011
Now that we have formally introduced the Daddy to our ‘Jelly – baby’ it is time to delve further and find out who are the Gran – daddies!
Firstly our gorgeous B. Grandeur is out of the world famous Grannex

Grandad Grannex
and his mum is named Oleander (which is very strange as an Oleander is a plant which is VERY poisonous to horses).
Jelly baby’s Mummy was sired by ‘Let’s Go V.’ who is one of the Offspring of the extra – ordinary Voltaire who has produced both show jumpers and dressage champions …

Grandad Voltaire
Jelly baby’s maternal Granny was called Janine (they don’t half have strange names for these mares).
Looking at the genes involved we are expecting a graceful showjumper with a ‘penchant’ for dressage, a Bay (Grannex has never produced a Chestnut) with 2 white hind stockings (just like both parents and grandfathers) and a blaze (just like both parents and grandfathers) so all in all a beautiful little foal with massive potential (here’s hoping!)
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Horse: Bob - B. Grandeur, Jellybean - Unique V - February 2nd, 2011
Its not that we’ve been keeping it at secret simply that we forgot to tell you that the proud father to be of our Jellybean’s baby is none other than our very own … Big Bob!
Combine the genes from our most handsome-scopey-gentle (at the moment) jumping machine with the sweet natured – loveable- floats on air when she trots lady and my word are we hoping for a baby super star!
My project for the week is to photoshop our parents together and give us an idea of what the new foal ‘Jellybaby’ might look like!! If any body else wants a go these are the parents …

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