Lakeland Equestrian Stud Farm

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Lakeland Equestrian: Horse Diaries

Jellybaby – the countdown …

Horse: Jellybean - Unique V - April 1st, 2011

Times are so exciting Jellybean looks superb – in fact blossoming …

She is now 315 days pregnant and her baby looks huge (from the outside obviously) he is now the size of  a, well actually still a german shepherd, but in 5 days time he will be the size of a proper foal and will be no longer classed as premature if born early – how fantastic!!

She’s not due till May 7th but we won’t be surprised if we have an early arrival. Preparations are underway to put her in her Penthouse birthing suite (foaling box- we are shipping Bob out of it!) and we are very very very very very very very very very very very very very very excited. (well i am anyway … !)

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