Horse: Jellybean - Unique V - February 23rd, 2011
Jellybean is 253 days pregnant today and is looking very happy and healthy. She is definitely the sort of mummy who ‘blossoms'(and that doesn’t just mean is getting fat!)
She had her feet trimmed today by the farrier and is looking ready and set.
Jellybaby is currently the size of a lamb, measuring approximately 24 inches and weighing in at about 45 lbs. There’s no wonder she’s developed a bit of a waddle! The foal has hairs on its throat, chin and muzzle.
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Horse: Bob - B. Grandeur, Jellybean - Unique V - February 9th, 2011
Now that we have formally introduced the Daddy to our ‘Jelly – baby’ it is time to delve further and find out who are the Gran – daddies!
Firstly our gorgeous B. Grandeur is out of the world famous Grannex
Grandad Grannex
and his mum is named Oleander (which is very strange as an Oleander is a plant which is VERY poisonous to horses).
Jelly baby’s Mummy was sired by ‘Let’s Go V.’ who is one of the Offspring of the extra – ordinary Voltaire who has produced both show jumpers and dressage champions …
Grandad Voltaire
Jelly baby’s maternal Granny was called Janine (they don’t half have strange names for these mares).
Looking at the genes involved we are expecting a graceful showjumper with a ‘penchant’ for dressage, a Bay (Grannex has never produced a Chestnut) with 2 white hind stockings (just like both parents and grandfathers) and a blaze (just like both parents and grandfathers) so all in all a beautiful little foal with massive potential (here’s hoping!)
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Horse: Bob - B. Grandeur, Jellybean - Unique V - February 2nd, 2011
Its not that we’ve been keeping it at secret simply that we forgot to tell you that the proud father to be of our Jellybean’s baby is none other than our very own … Big Bob!
Combine the genes from our most handsome-scopey-gentle (at the moment) jumping machine with the sweet natured – loveable- floats on air when she trots lady and my word are we hoping for a baby super star!
My project for the week is to photoshop our parents together and give us an idea of what the new foal ‘Jellybaby’ might look like!! If any body else wants a go these are the parents …
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Horse: Jellybean - Unique V - January 26th, 2011
Jellybean is now around 225 days pregnant and bless her cotton socks is looking fab, she is all shiny and healthy, she is most definitely blooming …
trouble is pregnancy meand there’s nothing much to do. This week has mainly consisted of going out in the field with her bessy mate Bolli ..
Can you see her Jelly Belly under that rug??
The foal is still about the size of a beagle and for anybody that wants to make comparisons with other small animals that is abut 19cm long and weighs in at 25lb …
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Horse: Jellybean - Unique V - January 19th, 2011
Let me introduce you to Jellybean (otherwise more formally known as Unique V) …
What a cutie!
We will be tracking her progress in the run up to due day (May 7th) her foal is currently about the size of a beagle (how cool!) and her rug fastenings have had to be lengthened!
She is kind and affectionate and is ready to make an excellent Mummy!
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